Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Are You Ready for Some Football?!"

OK, maybe I'm NOT the biggest football fan. BUT..I do LOVE some other things that accompany football like FALL, FOOD and FUN with family and friends!! It's my favorite time of year and I always get ready for it early by putting out my fall stuff in summer. ha

Over the year while staying home with Noah I have developed a crafty side! It all started when Noah was a few months old and we were going through some difficult times. It was my little "escape" to take my time and breath. Also, crafting makes you focus on the task at hand and I did not think to much about the stressful things going on. So now, its my go to when I need a little breather and I have a little extra time.
So in honor of football starting I made a wreath for my front door and helped my husband make corn holes. Everyone has to have corn holes right?!

NOAH LOVED his FIRST FOOTBALL GAME! It was at Tech and 105 degrees. Tech played Elon and beat them 70 to 0. Noah's face LIT UP when he walked into the stadium. He had never seen that much action and wanted a part of it! He especially liked when he music came on and he could move and groove. He could only handle sitting for a lil at a time so I walked him around out of the heat and sun. We stayed until half time because it was so hot but Noah did not complain one bit. All in all, great day!

 I love this picture b/c is captures the amazement in his face when he was looking at the field.
 My Buddy!
 "Obviously I'm a Yellow Jacket! They don't make dawgs this cute!"
 Walk home with daddy

Game season last year:

Noah's saying, "Go Jackets!"
Uncle Kenny had to come and hang with Noah during his first football season!
Game Day at Aunt Mel and Uncle Ryan's house. I'm sure there will be plenty of these in the years to come!I think Hollis and Noah will look past their differences. Plus, it's not a bad thing for Tech Boys and GA girls to get together ;)

Noah has lots of BAMA blood. So he has to represent that side as well! The PJ's he is wearing here, Chris wore when he was this age!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

1st Year of Preschool!!

Can't believe how far a year can take us. How much can change in just a short year! This time last year we had a 3 month old and was preparing for his first big surgery he was going to have. Now, he is walking into the doors of a preschool with excitement at 14 months. A year ago he was learning to roll over and was content to lay on his activity mat and be carried around everywhere. Now, he is starting to talk, run, throw things, climb things, "try" to help with brushing his hair/teeth and "help" me with chores around the house.

Down memory Lane:

Hangout sessions with daddy: Never forget this first outfit Chris put on Noah :)

There were LOTS of walks over the year. It always seemed to make him feel better!!

These are my two favorite pictures from this time last year. It was a time for healing for my sister and I love how it captures Noahs Great Grandmother in this pictures. Babies always love her!

There was also many visits to CHOA to get Noahs NAM fitted. It was a difficult time. Tightening it 6 times a day broke my heart but I know it was the best thing for him!

This time last year Noah had his first ever play date with Ella and Hollis. If my math is right, I am pretty sure Hollis was here and we did not know about her yet. Bet Noah did!

Back to Preschool:

While I use everyday as a teaching opportunities with him. I wanted him to experience learning with other children and get perspectives from another teacher. Also, Noah just really LOVES people and action. Always has. He could go on a marathon of no sleep if it involved having fun. Thats just his personality right now. So on his first day, of course he was not sad, he just wanted to get the day started. Bye mom! You'll me alright. ha

Noah on his first morning of Preschool. Currently he is going 1 day a week. 

Backpack is a little heavy this year:

 This is on his second day. I just included it because its funny. I was bending down to take a picture of him and he was trying to copy me. He is eating his smoothie which he loves to have for breakfast. Convenient on busy mornings!

Noah with his first Preschool teachers: 

Noahs FIRST masterpiece: